
Log file visualization

  • Visualization of Log4J and java.utils.logging XML log files
  • Visualization of Log4J plain text files (you will need to provide your pattern layout). Be aware that there are some small drawbacks (see Log configuration).
  • Refresh an open log file
  • Merge different log files. You can add a color filter based on the log file name.
  • Drag and drop a file (or multiple files at once)
  • List of the 10 last opened log files (Screenshot)


  • Filter log entries on the message, a certain thread or the level with a easy-to-use interface (Screenshot). This animated gif shows the filtering in action. First, the message is filtered by typing 'op', then the 'main' thread is selected from the list.
  • Colorize log entries based on the message, the thread or the level or a combination (Screenshot)
  • Ability to define color filter groups
  • Set the timezone of the logfile (useful if you have received a log file from a different timezone)
  • Retains row selection and keeps that row in view when changing your filtering options
  • Show a tree of all loggers. You can also hide/show loggers through a popup menu.(Screenshot)