Visualization of Log4J and java.utils.logging XML log files
Visualization of Log4J plain text files (you will need to provide your pattern layout). Be aware that there are some small drawbacks (see Log configuration).
Refresh an open log file
Merge different log files. You can add a color filter based on the log file name.
Filter log entries on the message, a certain thread or the level with a easy-to-use interface (Screenshot). This animated gif shows the filtering in action. First, the message is filtered by typing 'op', then the 'main' thread is selected from the list.
Colorize log entries based on the message, the thread or the level or a combination (Screenshot)
Ability to define color filter groups
Set the timezone of the logfile (useful if you have received a log file from a different timezone)
Retains row selection and keeps that row in view when changing your filtering options
Show a tree of all loggers. You can also hide/show loggers through a popup menu.(Screenshot)